A Man of Peace in a World of War
Date Posted: 29th Aug, 201840 seconds read

As I read and listen to all the tributes that are pouring in for Kofi Annan, I am drawn to the concept of the "Level 5 leader", the leader who shows extreme personal humility and strong professional will. This is a complete antithesis to the portrait of charismatic leadership that has been thrown at us for quite some time. The fact is "quiet leadership" can also be effective. Indeed Kofi Annan's leadership encourages us to be comfortable in our own skin. You don't necessarily have to speak with great gusto and throw your arms around in meetings to show that you are leading. To all the "quiet" effective leaders out there: Be who you are. We need more of your leadership in a world that is becoming increasingly noisy. Don't hold back. Attempt to fill the void.
Uncle Kofi, God bless your soul.