The Strategy Process

The Strategy Process

Date Posted: 23rd Nov, 2018
1 minute read

As we begin to think about our strategies for 2019 and beyond permit me to introduce to you our model for accelerating sustained transformations in organisations, the ASET Model. The ASET Model is an essential guide for every strategy session, whether the session is to review an existing strategy or to develop a new one. We believe every organisation needs a structured, on-going, creative process for gaining perspective and responding to the shifts and drivers in the marketplace today.
This process of learning and doing has three main components.
It starts with first, understanding the economics of the market; second, fashoning out aspirations and approaches in response to unique insights from the market; third, re-aligning highly engaged individuals and teams in pursuit of agreed priorities. The robustness of this process determines the speed of execution and the results achieved. Your organisation's strategy is not a document. Focus on the Process and the Dialogue.
