3 Big Questions...
Date Posted: 8th Apr, 20201 minute read

Sometimes our best leadership is borne out of crisis. This unprecedented global crisis requires effective leadership from leaders at all levels and in all spheres of life. I know many leaders who are working tirelessly to keep their teams supported and safe, and their organisations on track. Some have had to do it while in quarantine. We are in uncharted waters with COVID-19 and more is being asked of leaders every day. This is certainly an opportunity to show our best leadership. We have information on CrisisManagement and CrisisLeadership being offered on various platforms. In this situation, asking the right questions is more important than having off-the-rack answers.
I would like to offer 3 Questions every leader must consider as we work our way out of the woods.
Do you have any that you would like to add to this list?
Let’s keep up the good work and pull through together.